In accordance with Article III of the IAM Constitution,[1] except as set forth herein, in Canada the International will conduct elections for the oces of International President, General Secretary-Treasurer, 1 Canadian General Vice President, 1 Delegate to the C.L.C., and 5 Members of the Committee on Law (including one from Canada) for terms ending on June 30, 2029. Nominations for these oces can be made at a special meeting of your local on Saturday, January 18, 2025. In the event that members of your local nominate more than one candidate for IAM International President, General Secretary- Treasurer, Canadian Vice President, the C.L.C and/or more than ve (5) candidates for the Committee on Law, there shall be a local endorsement vote on Saturday, February 22, 2025. Both the nomination and endorsement meetings will take place from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the location printed in your mailing
If more than one candidate for International President, General Secretary-Treasurer and/or more than ve (5) candidates for the Committee on Law receives the endorsement of 25 or more locals, including endorsements in at least three separate territories or divisions,[2] or more than one candidate for the Canadian General Vice President and/or Delegate to the C.L.C. receives nominations from 20 or more Canadian locals from at least three different provinces, there shall be an election. The election, if necessary, will take place by secret ballot mail vote. In this event, mail ballots automatically will be sent to all eligible member present before the closing time has had the opportunity to nominate or vote. To assist in verifying your eligibility to participate in this process, bring this notice with you to your local nomination and endorsement vote meetings. Only members in good standing of the local may participate in the nomination and election process. Eligible members may also participate through absentee nomination form, as set out in this notice.
Nominations must specify the name, local, and card number of the candidate and the oce for which the candidate is being nominated. Although a member can nominate fewer than the required number of candidates for an oce, in accordance with Article III, Section 4 of the IAM Constitution, a failure by a local to nominate the required number of candidates for an oce shall invalidate the local’s endorsement for that oce. Locals may not nominate the same person for more than one oce.
In order to nd out whether there are contested nominations in your local requiring a vote on February 22, 2025, or to conrm
your voting location, or to request an absentee nomination form/ballot, go