
April 28 Day of Mourning

Toronto, ON – Workers die on the job every day and every year hundreds of thousands more suffer work-related injury or illness. They are gone but we have not forgotten. The IAM along with other Unions, labour councils, labour federations, families and community partners annually gather on April 28th to mourn the loss of fellow workers and loved ones and vow to prevent more of these tragedies.

This date has particular significance for IAM members who mourn the loss of one of their own. This week marks the seventh anniversary of the death of 24 year old Ian Henrey Pervez, a member of IAM Local Lodge 2323 who was killed on the job at Pearson Airport on April 22, 2016. “Henrey’s tragic death only highlights the need for constant vigilance in the ongoing battle for health and safety in the workplace,” said past IAM Canadian General Vice President Stan Pickthall back in 2018. “We continue to insist on effective workplace prevention programs developed with full worker participation. We must also demand better training that supports the identification, assessment and control of workplace hazards.”

April 28 is a National Day of Mourning to recognize workers injured or killed on the job. The Canadian Labour Congress first declared April 28th as a National Day of Mourning in 1984, now more than 100 countries around the world observe it as well.
